Assembly Press
The Steel Wheel Assembly Press is designed for the assembly operation of the rim and discs. The operation consists of 100 t single action 4-column frame Hydraulic Press and the appopriate assembly die set. The production capacity is 80-100 steel wheels, during the manual loading-unloading.
Discs and rims arrive to the assembly press from any conveyor system or stacked pallets.
One Operator is placing the discs on the rims with pre-location. Then he pushes the wheel until the assembly tool center on the lift unit rails. Rim centered manually by using a spring centering pin from the valve hole.
Another Operator lowers the lift and centers the disc by using center hole from two bolt holes. Further, by pushing two hand buttons starts the press cycle. Rim and disc clamped correctly and strongly just before assembly position. So, precise assembly operation is possible only during parallel holding conditions of each parts.
It is possible to realize 3 or 4 tack welding (MIG/MAG welding) operation manually during closed tool position, if there is such requirement. Press retracts and lifts up the completed wheel til level of unloading conveyor. Operator pushes the wheel by hand, emptying the press and starts a new cycle.