Cut to Length Line

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Steel Wheel Cut to Length Line Decoiler Straightener Feeder Cutting Press Blanking Press

Cut to Length Line

The Cut to Length Line transforms coiled material into straight blanks with a desired length. Cut to length line is designed for both the production of rim blanks and disc blanks of passenger cars in conjunction with manual or automatic operation. The same cut to length line designed for the production of rim blanks and disc blanks as timeshare basis.

The rim blanks cut-to-length line consists of:

  • Decoiler or Uncoiler Machine;
  • Straightener Servo Feeder;
  • Edge conditioning unit;
  • Cut-to-length shear press with shear die set;
  • Outfeed conveyor.

The disc blanks cut to length line consists of the same component, only the edge- conditioner is not part of the scope, both lines are basically the same design, as shown in the below drawing.

Cut to Length Lines for Sheet Material
Steel Wheel Disc and Rim Cut to Length Line Technical Layout Drawing
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